
Monday, September 12, 2011

Strawberry Curd

Waste not, want not. I had some egg yolks and strawberries leftover from making those delicious Strawberry Lemonade Bars, so I decided to whip up some homemade strawberry curd.


This recipe is simple to make, and easily adaptable. So far every fruit that I've encountered would make a great flavor for curd. I've got some big plans for this creamy, pink deliciousness... so stay tuned!

Strawberry Curd

yields about 1 1/2 cups curd


2 cups sliced strawberries
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 large egg yolks, lightly beaten
1/4 cup (4 tablespoons or 1/2 stick) butter, cut into pieces

In a food processor or blender pulse strawberries until smooth. Strain through a fine strainer to remove seeds.

In a heavy saucepan, combine sugar and cornstarch. Add strawberry puree, lemon juice, and egg yolks. Cook over medium heat for 7 to 8 minutes, or until very thick, whisking constantly.

Remove from heat. Gradually add butter, whisking until melted. Let cool. Place in a jar and store in refrigerator.



  1. Yuum!!!! That looks absolutely amazing...not to mention delicious! :D

  2. I'm in love with it.Looks absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Oooh... it's so pink and pretty!
    Considering how much I love lemon curd and raspberry curd and rhubarb curd, I can't believe it's never occurred to me that I could use strawberries to make curd too. Hope I can find some nice local strawberries somewhere to make a batch... it's late in the season, but maybe I might get lucky. :)

  4. Your buzz is growing, with good reason. Great pics!

  5. I hope you find some too Isabelle! You can always use frozen strawberries but they're just not the same... :)

    Thanks, Sandi!

  6. Would have never thought to make this. Such a great idea. I love anything made with strawberries. Such a pretty color too!

  7. Great idea! I've never seen strawberry curd before. Looks delicious!

  8. Wow, your blog pops out of the page! Love it. I'm now following you. Please follow mine @

  9. That looks fantastic, such great photos as well!

  10. Yum! This looks delicious... love the photos!

  11. Great recipe! I just made a strawberry cake that called for 5 egg whites and so I thought I would make a strawberry curd with the yolks. I just made this, was super easy and I think I increased the strawberries & the yolks, I would probably add less cornflour next time but I used more yolks so it ended up thicker. but the flavour was great. It'll defs be my go to recipe fo sho!
